Saturday, March 28, 2009

Taman Rama-rama

Bestnyer pegi tengok rama-rama kat cameron highland. Nampak tak rama-rama kat pokok tu?:-)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday 2me! Tau xabi bg hadiah apa?Hp baru u!Jgn jeles *wink. Siap boleh hantar pics straight 2blog.Hui,subhanallah :-). Thank u abi.Luv u very much :-*



Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How to Nurture Your Kids With Islamic Education

by Mommy Lina

in child development, Muslim scholars and Western scholars agreed that the period of 0-6YO is the most critical time in developing a child’s brain. during Abasiyah age, a child at that age (preschool) was equipped with Islamic practical life lesson before they moved to Islamic knowledge i.e. al-Quran, hadis, feqah etc. in primary school and later to knowledge in other fields i.e Math, Science, Astronomy, Geography, etc. during secondary. what matter most is what he got at his below 6YO that will determine his manner toward the future.

child education in Islam is not to depend on any institution to provide such skills and knowledge. even homeschooling is not a new thing in a true Islamic culture. even Rasulullah himself was homeschooled by Halimatus Saadiah during his early years.and the famous tagline of ‘al-ummu al-madrasah’ (a mother is a school) could be a strong evident that Islam encourage home education.

being a full time working mom (FTWM) should not be an excuse to not able to provide a good school for our kids.

a great school of a FTWM:

1. through role modelling
it’s a fitrah for a lil kid to copy what he sees from his surroundings (remember the story of a boy slaughtered his brother after seeing his father slaughtered a sheep? and the mother lost all her 3 sons in the tragedy). and dont expect to teach the kid to say doa if we ourselves just doing it for the sake of teaching him but when away from him we never care.
- perform our daily ibadah as sincere as possible and involve our kids.
- take care of our hyegiene, health, look so that we are always in a good state.
- dont show our anger toward other people in front of them.
- dont break our promises.
- avoid talking about other people (mengumpat) when they’re with us.[patotnye jgn ngumpat langsung].
- dont say bad things about their father at his back.
- etc.

2. practising them
children love to learn but in our culture, we usually take 0-4 or 5 YO as ‘tak tau apa & masa untuk main’. we are retarding their brain potential in any ways! non-mumayiz kids really ‘tak tau apa’ but at this stage, they are absorbing all the things. this supports Abdullah Ulwan’s theory of ‘what determines future characteristic of a child is what he sees and experiences before he turns 7′.
- wash them as soon as they finished their ‘big project’, wash their hands before meal, bathe them, clean them, brush their teeth,etc. as early lesson to toharah.
- bring them together during solat, say doa everytime they want to start someting, bring him to crowd, etc. as early lesson to ibadah.
- wash their hands, faces and feet before bringing them to solat, after waking up and before go to sleep, as early lesson to wuduk.
- give them toys and book as early lesson to ilm.
- bring them out as early lesson to socialization, humanity, and other values.etc. through advice and conversation
the famous Lukman al-Hakim used this approach to educate his son (in Surah Lukman). he conveyed the message to his son through his talk. for little kids, keep saying it to them will result an echo effect that makes them remember it.
- don’t take conversation with little children for granted.
- always saying good words, praise, word of encouragement, etc.
- make family discussion a routine.
- go out & about and utilize the time to have good conversation with the children.

4. through daily routine & activities
Islam suggests us to spend good and quality time with our children. even staying at home to be with our children is better than iktikaf alone in the masjid. during Abasiyah age, kids were brought to masjid together with their parents.
- involve kids in housechores such as cooking, doing laundry, house tidying, etc. if possible dont shoo them away from kitchen cos there’s lots of things to learn.
- dont associate our life with karut things i.e. ghost, spirit, & other things those bring us close to syirk.
- take them together to classes we follow.
- do exercise together.
- make sedekah a family routine by encouraging them to put money into tabung masjid etc.
- etc.

and as we all know, child education should start before they are born through:
- take care of our health along the pregnancy journey.
- eat good food, in term of nutrition & sources (halal).
- think positive.
- plan for the unborn child’s future, for his education, welfare etc.
- etc.
and after they are born through:
- say azan & iqamah to their ears.
- give them good names.
- breastfeed them for at least 2 years.
- perform akikah for them.

Islamic practice is nothing more than common senses. we dont have to get a degree from al-Azhar to be a good Muslim. Western & Eastern theory of child education and early learning is parallel to what Islam says about it. & following whatever theories is actually practising Islamic way, because what in those theories had been practised by our Islamic scholars’ parents during the time of Islamic civilazation glittering.

if we knew about al-Razi, al-Biruni, al-Kindi, Umar Khayyam, Al- Khawarizmi, Ibnu Sina, etc., they were not only mastered in their field such as medic, math, botany, astronomy, etc. but also in other curriculum like philosophy, music, art, literacy and so on. how could they be such that great?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


dear sarah

this morning, while sending u to nursery, we drive passed one motorcycle. there were 3 ppl riding on the motorcycle. i guess 1 is the father and 2 sons. they are indians. mama look at them from the window, one of the boys returns mama's look. we held the gaze for a few seconds.

and that few seconds gv a lasting impression to mama's heart till now. and since u were asleep on mama's lap this morning, mama wants to extend the impression to u too...when u are big..and no longer sleeps on mama's lap in the car.

dear sarah, they are riding on one motorcycle. mama was thinking; its not safe to practice as such. also, what if they are being caught by the authority? how it is when the day rains?

mama believed the father didnot intentionaly want to practice that kind of transportation. but mayb they cant afford to have a car. the one that we usually take for granted.

when u are big, when u are rich, u will notice that the topic of the rich is not the type of transportation; but types of car u owned, and/or how many do u have. and still, they will compete and keep on wanting more.

when u are big, when u are rich, when u have a car-regardless the model, keep looking out of the window. see those that rides on the motorcycle. u will see many cycles with their little ones in the middle. when it rains, u turn off the aircond inside ur car because u are cold; while the motorcyclist, they are cold from the rain. u can safely go inside the house while having a little to worry about ur slightly-wet cloth. remember, those motorcyclist are drenched in the rain, and they have to stop long under the bridges waiting for the rain to slow down before picking up the journey where they left it.

always remember to be thankful at all times. whenever u think u r unlucky, keep in mind that u r luckier in many ways compared to many ppl. remember mama teach u abt redha? ;)

whenever u feel not enough, remember that u got a food to eat, cloth to wear and a home to shelter. many ppl got none of those.

keep it close to heart that we need to always be thankful to the provider i.e. Allah. whatever happens to u, be thankful. in that way, ur rizq will double fold. if that happens, double-triple the syukr.

be a thankful 'abd. afterall, arent we just the servant?

p/s: the name syukra was one of the names that mama wants to gv u because mama likes the meaning. syukra means those that are always thankful hence this blog was named after

mama stil remember the look in one of the boys eyes- so longing to be comfy in the car

luv, mama

Monday, December 29, 2008


Haba Miftah H. Yusufpati

Selama penerbangan Banda Aceh- Jakarta, saya hanya membayangkan istri dan ketiga anakku. Mereka pasti akan menyambut bahagia. Sebulan lebih kami dipisahkan oleh pekerjaan. Awalnya, agar menjadi surprise, saya tak mengabari kepulangan itu. Hanya saja, cuaca buruk dan keamanan penerbangan yang tak menjanjikan, membuat saya harus membocorkan kepulangan itu. Jangan sampai kalau ‘ada apa-apa’ –pesawat jatuh, misalnya–mereka tak tahu telah kehilangan diriku.
Jadi, saya harus memberi tahu mereka. Syukur saya selamat sampai rumah. Benar saja, mereka telah menanti kepulanganku. Seperti keluarga lain, peluk dan cium sebagai pelepas kangen, menjadi sambutan yang menyenangkan.
Esoknya, kendati masih penat, dengan menenteng laptop saya mengajak jalan-jalan sekeluarga ke Banten. Tapi saya tidak melihat pancaran kebahagiaan di wajah mereka. Saya kurang memperhatikan itu, sampai kemudian sepulang dari Banten wajah mereka tetap cemberut.
”Ada apa sih? Diajak jalan-jalan bukan pulang dengan senyum, ini malah cemberut. Apa masalahnya?”
Anak perempuan saya tertua, Nilam menjawab, ”Yang kami inginkan bukan pergi berlibur, yang kami inginkan hanya waktu bersama ayah.”
Saya benar-benar terpana dengan jawaban itu. Selama di Banten, saya memang tidak bisa terlepas dari laptop dan telepon selular. Di tengah-tengah anak dan istri yang bermain dengan riang, saya tetap asyik berlaptop dan bertelepon. Mengadakan hubungan bisnis. Saya memang bersama mereka, tapi hati saya ada di tempat lain.
Saya menjadi teringat tentang tulisan China tradisional yang dimuat sebuah jurnal. Konon, dalam tulisan China tradisional, kata “ai” yang berarti cinta terdiri dari 13 goresan. Di tengah-tengah goresan itu ada kata “xin” yang berarti hati. Sebuah pelukisan yang menggambarkan bahwa cinta memerlukan hati. Namun dalam tulisan modern China yang lebih sederhana huruf “ai” tak lagi mengandung kata “xin”. Cinta sudah tidak memerlukan hati.
Hati tempat kita menyimpan segala perasaan terdalam. ”Semuanya bersumber dari hati,” kata orang bijak.
Seorang teman pernah mengatakan pada saya, ketika kita mencinta, itu murni dari hati, dari dalam kita. Bukan dari luar; berapa banyak hartanya, betapa rupanya, dll. Karena berasal dari dalam, maka tak ada alasan masuk akal untuk mencintai. Kita mencintai seseorang, iya, karena kita mencintainya. Itu keluar begitu saja. Tak ada jawaban untuk sebuah pertanyaan, ”Mengapa aku mencintaimu?”
Lalu, saya juga pernah menasihati anak perempuanku: ketika kekasih kita mengajukan berjuta alasan tentang cintanya, ragukanlah cintanya. Mungkin ia berkata. ”Aku mencintaimu karena kau cantik”. Atau ”Kau begitu baik, beda dengan yang lainnya, karena itulah aku mencintaimu”.
Lalu, bagaimana kalau kita tidak lagi cantik atau baik. Masihkah ia mau mencintai kita?
Dari kasus cemberut anak dan istriku tadi, menyadarkan saya. Mungkin saya memang telah kehilangan hati dalam cinta. Persis seperti yang dilukiskan oleh tulisan China modern untuk cinta. Dan ini menjadi bahan introspeksi diri saya.*

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Oleh: Heny

Ilmu ini saya peroleh dari Aa Gym…..anda semua tahu kan yang namanya kepala…eh, kelapa…….....tahu kan pohonnya kayak apa, cara ngambil buah kelapanya gimana, bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan santan yang gurih???

Pohon kelapa itu kan tinggi banget, ramping lagi……orang yang mau mengambil buahnya harus berjuang naik keatas, setelah kelapa dapat di raih, maka kelapa itu akan dijatuhkan dari ketinggian yang bisa bikin geger otak, patah tulang (jika yang jatuhnya si pengambil buah kelapa itu)…..Setelah ada di bawah, kelapa tersebut akan dijambak serabutnya…(bukan dibelai)….pokoknya gak ada mesra-mesranya deh, dijambak, seperti menjambak rambut orang yang sedang berkelahi…kalau serabutnya udah hilang, maka goloklah yang akan beraksi….beraksi untuk membelah kelapa, setelah terbelah, kulit coklatnya akan disisit pisau supaya bersih, lalu orang pun akan memarutnya untuk kemudian diperas sekuat tenaga, sehingga keluarlah sari pati kelapa yaitu santan……..santan kental inilah yang bisa membuat kenikmatan….makanan akan terasa lezat ketika dimasak bersama santan……..padahal dibalik kelezatan itu, ternyata ada perjuangan keras untuk memperolehnya………

Ilmu kelapa itu ibarat kehidupan kita. Sebagai manusia kita harus menyadari bahwa kehidupan ini tidaklah mudah, hidup ini butuh perjuangan. Hidup ini bakal terus dihadapkan dengan berbagai masalah….itulah sunatullahnya. Karenanya, setiap dari kita harus mempersiapkan diri menghadapi masalah, kita semua harus punya ilmunya, karena pupuk iman adalah ilmu, sehingga dengan mengetahui ilmunya, maka keyakinan kita pada Allah pun akan makin kuat, bahwa Allah tidak akan memberikan masalah di luar batas kemampuan kita, dan jangan menyebut diri kita sudah beriman kalau belum terbukti bagaimana sikap kita menghadapi masalah, apakah akan putus asa atau bersabar?
Sehingga pantas lah Nabi SAW pernah bersabda bahwa mental orang beriman itu sungguh mengagumkan, karena disaat susah dia sabar, dan disaat senang dia bersyukur.

Orang yang dirundung masalah dan berhasil keluar sebagai pemenang, ibarat santan, karena pada dirinya lah terdapat karakter yang kuat, pada dirinyalah ada kepribadian yang tangguh, pada dirinyalah ada manfa’at yang bisa ia bagi untuk orang lain……